Recent Media

  • Daily Blast Live!

    August 12, 2024: I joined the hosts of Daily Blast Live to share tips for handling college drop offs before, during, and after.

  • Guest: Coffee via Nicoa

    July 24, 2024: Nicoa and The Empty Nest Coach Jay Ramsden discuss the challenges and opportunities of empty nesting, emphasizing the need to redefine one's identity and find new sources of meaning and purpose in life after the kids leave home. Listen in to hear how the various stages of grief and relief impact the empty nest experience and how that becomes the foudation of this next stage of a LIFE BY DESIGN!

  • Guest: Inspired Caring Podcast

    May 17, 2024: If you have kids launching out of the home, you may discover that your identity is taking a hit as your role changes within your family. Jay is "The Empty Nest Coach" and in this episode helps us understand why this shift can feel challenging and offers ways to connect with the future you so you will make this transition successfully.

  • Empty nest coaches help parents in DC and beyond navigate a ‘bittersweet’ phase

    MAY 6, 2024: Fellow empty nest coach Jay Ramsden said it’s tough for parents to figure out who they are outside of the day-to-day parenting role. He said social media, smartphones and technology make it harder for parents to disconnect from a child who is away at college than it was for previous generations.

  • D.C. parents hire empty nest coaches for when kids leave home

    APRIL 21, 2024: D.C.-area parents whose kids have moved out are coping by working with empty nest coaches — aka life coaches who specialize in the transition surrounding a child's departure. Why it matters: There's a narrative that the party starts when your kid's gone, says Jay Ramsden, a Massachusetts-based empty nest coach who's worked with DMV clients. But this period can actually read like a rough breakup or any big change, inducing feelings of loss, grief, stagnation, or paralysis, as well as a sense of losing one's identity or purpose.

  • Daily Blast Live!

    FEBRUARY 22, 2024: I joined the hosts of Daily Blast Live to talk about the stages of empty nesting and tips for how you can handle this difficult life transition.

  • Guest - WCBS 880 with Brigitte Quinn

    JANUARY 30, 2024: Listen to Chapter 2 at 11:14 a.m. to hear my interview with Brigitte Quinn on Empty Nest Coaching.

  • When Junior Heads to College, Helicopter Parents Turn to Empty-Nest Coaches

    JANUARY 28, 2024: TikTok’s algorithm, sensing Hayslett’s pain when his second child left for college last year, served one of Ramsden’s empty-nester videos. Hayslett, of Clearwater, Fla., said he felt like “this dude is talking right to me. I can’t believe this is a thing.”

    Like other things no longer taboo—from getting fired to not wearing pants—empty-nesters want to talk about their struggle.

  • Hingham Resident Summits Mt. Kilimajaro's Uhuru Peak

    October 24, 2023: Jay Ramsden completed a 5 day trek on Mon., Oct. 1, 2023 to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro’s Uhuru Peak. This milestone for Jay delivers on his company’s mission to be an advocate for others that life does not end in our 40’s and 50’s particularly when we learn to manage our thoughts, emotions, and mindset around what is possible in our lives.

  • Navigating "Empty Nest" & Purpose

    August 21, 2023: If your children left the nest, and it has become more difficult than you realized, this show is for you. We will be joined by Empty Nest Coach, Jay Ramsden who has become an expert in helping parents navigate this season of life.

  • Guest: Beyond the Nest Podcast

    MAY 11, 2023: This week I had the pleasure of joining my friend and fellow Empty Nest Coach, Jodi Silverman, on her podcast to talk about a common struggle for many Empty Nest Moms – that feeling of losing purpose when you realize you’re no longer a full time in person mom!

    In this episode, I give you some new perspectives around who you are outside of your role as MOM and how to begin rediscovering yourself, your purpose and your life as an empty nester.

    Beyond Empty Nest podcast is hosted by Jodi Silverman - speaker, mentor and Chief Dare Officer at Moms Who Dare.

  • Jason Ramsden

    Whole Life Coach

    MAY 24, 2022: Interested in starting your own entrepreneurial journey in coaching but unsure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Jason Ramsden, founder of Impact One Media, located in Boston, MA, USA.

  • North Carolina Association of Independent Schools

    September 2021 Newsletter; Featured Article

    “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” -Lao Tzu

    Let’s be honest, change is hard. And if the last 15 months have taught educators, students, leaders, and parents anything, it is that to do hard things well one must be willing to take that first step.

    But, is it really that simple? Perhaps not.

    Yes, the journey of a thousand miles indeed begins with a single step. I believe, however, that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the courage to take that first step.