Jay Ramsden | The Empty Nest Coach

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Health & Wellness: The Foundation of your Empty Nest Life

I've been thinking a lot lately about what's at the core of loving your life from a foundational level.

In my mind I see many components to loving one's life - mental health, financial health, emotional health, spiritual health, belonging and connection health, physical health, work/life balance health, stress/relaxation health -- the list goes on.

I spent 2023 -- yep, an entire year -- building the habit of physical health. Working with a trainer 2x/week, working with a yogi 2x/week, walking 3 miles 3-4x/week, and hiking 5-7 miles 1x/week.

The work I did in 2023 is now just a part of who I am, how I live my life and it's foundational to how I feel about myself and my life.

Do I have washboard abs, no.

Am I the most fit person on the planet, definitely not.

Could I run a marathon - not at my current fitness level.

Have I lost lots of weight - not at all.

Did I climb Mt. Kilimanjaro - you betcha.

Here's what this work has led me to know:

  • I am comfortable in my own skin.

  • I like how my clothes fit.

  • I love what I see in the mirror.

  • I'm not afraid to move my body or try new physical activities.

  • I'm 55 and fit and it's the foundation from which I'll build on in 2024 to continue my journey to loving my life.

You might be thinking you don't have time to take care of yourself.

Or that you've tried and failed in the past.

Or maybe you decided you're just too old to start taking care of yourself -- what's the point, right?

The point is your health and wellness is the foundation upon which you'll build a life you love.

It's the starting point for moving forward into this new now in your life.

I promise, it's not hard and you're just one thought away from deciding you can do it too.

Make today you decide it's the next right step in your journey.

Until next time, always remember:

Every step has purpose.

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